Wednesday 16 January 2013

Gods plan with the Red sea

In the Bible book of Exodus we read the story of Moses where he led his people out of Egypt. God commanded him to do so. You will remember that God assisted Moses as he led the Israelites out of slavery.

I am the LORD your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt where you were slaves.  (Exodus 20:2 CEV)

So the Pharaoh, the mighty ruler of Egypt, released the Israelites and gave them their freedom back, but that decision was short lived. A few days after he had released them he sent his mighty Egyptian army to enslave the Israelites or possibly kill them.

The Israelites were defenseless. God ordered them to set up camp next to the Red sea. At first glance this might look strange as God ordered his people into a dead end. It would be easy for the Egyptian army to capture the Israelites. But God had a plan!

The Israelites camping next to the Red sea heard the Pharaohs army approaching. They asked their Lord for help. God then sent a cloud to form where the Egyptians were, they got confused and did not know where to go. This gave the Israelites time to pack up their campsite.

The Lord told Moses to stretch-out his arm to the side of the Red sea. He did as the Lord asked. As he did this an opening formed in the sea, creating a path with walls of water on each side. The Israelites went through the Red sea without injury.

Later the Egyptian army saw what God did. The commander of that army ordered his troops to follow the Israelites through the opening in the sea. They did as he asked. As the Israelites came out the other side the Egyptian army was halfway. At this stage God closed the path through the water and the water walls gave way. As this happened the Egyptian army drowned.

What can we learn from the miracle at the Red sea?

·         God had a plan with His followers. God devised a plan that would cut the Egyptian army off and gave them what they deserved in the process.
·         Moses and the Israelites prayed to God and God gave them a way out

Till next time

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