Tuesday 29 January 2013

The fishermen that followed.

One day long ago there was a team of fishermen who worked on a boat. Their job was to catch fish on the Sea of Galilee.

On a clear day they went out with their boat to catch some fish to sell. This was their job, to catch fish on the sea, bring it back and to sell it in the market place. One of the fishermen was John. John was an ordinary man, a man with a successful fishing career.

To be a fisherman was not the most glamorous job in the city, neither was it a job with high salaries. But the fishermen did their best in catching fish.

One time the fishermen returned from a successful fishing trip. Their baskets were full of fish and it seemed that they were very good at what they were doing. But as they returned to shore something happened….

There was a man standing on the shore, He looked at John and said to Him: “Follow me!”. Something happened to John that day. He immediately knew that he should follow this man! John knew that it was a calling from God. He immediately listened to the man commanding him and followed the man called Jesus to be one of His twelve disciples.

Till next time!

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