Friday 18 January 2013

Worship God after a miracle

In the previous post we read how God created a path through the Red sea. The Israelites followed Gods command and he gave them a dry road through the Red sea.

As they approached the other side of the Red sea they rejoiced. They said thanks to the Lord and worshiped Him with songs. In particular was the sister of Moses, Miriam, who worshiped her God with a tambourine. A tambourine is a simple instrument but it was probably a good instrument for its time.

Wouldn’t you do the same if you just witnessed a large and powerful miracle that God performed? They just moved through a sea as if it was dry land! It must have been scary having two walls of water standing next to you with nothing holding them up!

What can we learn from the story of Miriam that worshiped God after they went through the Red sea?
·         We should worship God for his glory and for what He has done for us!

·         We can worship God with the simplest instrument and it would still count as worship.

    Till next time

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